v$sql the details -- if you have multiple copies of the query: "select * from T" in your shared pool, v$sql will have a row per query. This can happen if user U1 and user U2 both have a table T and both issue "select * from T".
select sql different table
I`ve used SQL for years but have never truly harnessed its potential. For this example let`s say I have two tables: CREATE TABLE messages ( MessageID INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, UserID INTEGER, Timestamp& ...
This is one of the most interesting questions I keep on getting on this email and I find that not everyone knows about it. In recent times I have seen a developer writing a cursor to update a table. When asked the reason was he& ...
However, sometimes the optimizer cannot operate with the actual data and that is why it can over- or underestimate the SQL query cost when executing different plans. That`s why there is always ... SELECT * FROM sys.tables t. We will get the following plan for this query: In the profiles the most resource-consuming operation are highlighted with red and yellow accordingly, representing the percentage of resources spent on each operation. Let`s modify our SQL query& ...
v$sql the details -- if you have multiple copies of the query: "select * from T" in your shared pool, v$sql will have a row per query. This can happen if user U1 and user U2 both have a table T and both issue "select * from T".
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